
アイスマン "Iceman" 氷人土偶 ”Ice man clay figurine"

¥6,600 税込

なら 手数料無料で 月々¥2,200から




"アイスマン "Ice man clay figurine"は、まるで氷の結晶のような美しい陶器製の土偶です。日本の伝統的な技術を駆使して作られた、繊細で美しい彫刻は、どんなインテリアにもマッチするアート作品として、お部屋を飾るのに最適です。



このアイスマン "Ice man clay figurine"を通じて、日本の伝統と美意識を感じてみてください。あなたの暮らしに氷のようなクールな風を呼び込んでくれることでしょう。

"Ice man clay figurine" is a clay doll totally made of beautiful earthenware such as the snow crystal. Though I decorate the room as the art work which matches what kind of interior, the delicate, beautiful sculpture which makes full use of a Japanese traditional technique, and was made is most suitable.

A craftsman builds up this work by hand one by one and is surprised at, is delicate, making it. It is reliable that translucency such as the ice and minute detail attract a beholder.

A refreshing feel such as the cold ice and powerful beauty dwell in an ice man clay doll. This work which expressed the four seasons in Japan and beauty of nature is splendid in your room; let's be to accentuate.

Through this Iceman "Ice man clay figurine", please feel a tradition and sense of beauty of Japan. It will be to call in cool wind such as the ice for your living.

Size: 縦 / length・11cm, 横 / width・6cm, 奥行き / depth・6cm

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¥6,600 税込
